Goodies Bandit
Next Round Starting soon

The simplest weight loss plan you'll ever try

Break Your Fat Cycle!

Diet Tracking Made Pain-Free

Calorie counting is time consuming, difficult and then doesn't happen. We have a simple plan that will shock you about what you eat, more than a number of calories will show you.

Don't Go It Alone

Have friends who understand you and what you are going through. Motivation and accountability from people who care for you and want you to achieve your best shape.

Win Back Your Energy

Be your healthiest at any age. Slim down safely, speed metabolism, rev up immunity and go from fat to flat.

It worked for me, it will work for you

I was 22 years old, 210 lbs (95 Kg) and couldn't break out of a wet paper bag; a stereotypical computer programmer. My current contract was up and I had a choice of two job offers. First was with a pizza shop, great work, great money, and as much pizza (which I love) and soft drink as I want. Second was with a software company where the development manager was determined to not be a stereotypical programmer and was building a team to reflect that. Each day the team would go to the gym at the lunch hour with a company subsidised membership. However, the pay was less, and the company in start-up phase with unstable revenues.

Since starting full-time work and happily married my weight was on a very clear trajectory. I was determined however to be a not be a stereotypical programmer. I took the lower paid job, for the gym. Within 3 months I had gone down 22 lbs (10 Kg) and moved from 7 Kg dumbbells to 44 lbs (20 Kg) on a bench press. Another 6 months later I was another 22 lbs (10 Kg) down and using 2 x 66 lbs (30 Kg) dumbbells press. During that time I also went from not being able to run half a mile (1 Km) without getting stitches and collapsing out of breath to doing a 6 miles (10 Km) run in an hour.

He's the thing. After this, when people were complementing me on my transformation I would dismiss it. I would say it was nothing, I just did what everyone else did. What I found out later that just participating was a big deal. As the team grew it bought on a few people who refused to go to the gym each lunch hour. The kinks caused others to not want to go. Soon we had a stereotypical programmer team and things became difficult. Going to the gym each day was difficult. Eating right was difficult. My weight and fat began to come back on.

You see, I was always the fat kid. Not huge, but fat. When I meet people now they don't see it. They don't understand how in my head I'm still fat. Although I was going to the gym 5 days a week one thing I still had to do was controlling my eating. I typically ate fairly well, but my quantities were too large. Even now, even going to the gym 5 days a week, if I do not strictly control my quantities I put on fat easily.

So this is where I come to. I don't have a team that I go to the gym with now. I don't want to squander the work I did. I need to be surrounded by a team that wants the same as me. So I'm building this community. I understand that the biggest part to losing weight is controlling what you are eating. Even just a little activity like walking each day is enough, if the eating is controlled. Going to the gym can give a complete body transformation, but just losing the fat will give you such a liberating feeling. My waist went from 40" (103cm) to 32" (83cm). I needed a whole new wardrobe, twice.

Goodies Bandit will be launching soon. We want to get rid of overeating and excess goodies so that we may have freedom in our bodies. Occasional treats are fine, but what you will see being involved here is that these things are not as occasional as we think. This won't be for everybody. And we won't accept everybody. Sign up now to be involved in the design of this community. This year you can stop being the fat kid, you can get control of your life.

Click here to make the change

Feedback from our trials

Excellent motivator when it comes to diet and exercise! Great app!!! 😉

Fast & easy! Holds u accountable for everything u eat!

Amazing! Really helps with awareness of how healthy your eating :-)

This is the coolest food tracking app out there. If you aren't a fanatic for calorie counting and you know what is good for you to eat and what isn't and you just need a little accountability and reflection than this app is IT! I love it! It's easy to use and very motivating! When you can actually see everything you've eaten it gives you a sense of better control. Thank you for this! I highly recommend it!

Thank you for your help. This has been such an eye opener never would I have taught I ate this or that but yes I did, I knew that writing down was the best thing to do just that the pen was never handy or let alone the paper, still I didn't feel like being bothered but with this on day one looking at how I eat no wonder I can't lose weight well couldn't.  I am on a mission to regain my health and all thanks to your photo diary. Thank you sooooo much!!!!

Really helps you see how much you're eating. With a normal food diary, there's still the possibility of shying away from the words, but with pictures there's no escaping seeing how much you really eat. It definitely puts snacking into perspective!!

Love it. Makes food tracking so easy. Thanks!

Luvvv it! Beats calorie counting 🍕😊

Definitely an eye opener. Who knew that looking back at the food you ate really can serve as a motivator to change your lifestyle? Love this app!

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